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UX Design, UI Design, WIX Development

4 weeks
Project Overview
The aim is to bridge the gap between businesses with on-demand freight requirements and professional drivers, minimizing downtime for both parties. Digital freight matching made easy, it’s a win-win for all!
How I Helped
Listening was the first step
The Truckie approached me with their startup idea. They provided me with a document that helped me in understanding the complexity and scope of the project. I assessed the interface, implemented UX solutions from the ground up (calling on best practices as necessary,) and finished it off with a wall-to-wall user interface that cleanly met the challenge.
Digging In
Unlike the product design challenges I solve for my clients every day, this project began with some self-imposed requirements; requirements that no less were needed in order to ensure the project’s success. I spent about a week identifying these items, understanding how everything works to help better structure the website.
The user experience and interface are streamlined in their appearance and function, yet add the detail necessary to inform and inspire the viewer.

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